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About Me...

I'm a Level 10 gymnast from central PA who wishes to continue gymnastics in college. When I was 10 years old, our family moved to State College, where I attended my first collegiate Division I gymnastics meet. I was amazed by the enthusiasm and energy of a college gymnastics competition, and have aspired to pursue college gymnastics ever since.

While I'm still a little young to decide my future, I am developing an interest in sports medicine or the rehabilitative sciences.


Favorite Subject(s):

I love the college-level courses that I'm taking as part of the school district's special "healthcare track" program. By far my favorite class is the intro to sports medicine class, which also gave me the chance to shadow athletic trainers and sports med professionals on the football field and in the gym.

Favorite Movie(s):

This is Us

Taste in Music:

One Direction

Favorite Meal:
Shrimp and Salad

How I Spend My Spare Time:

I like to hang out with friends and jump on the trampoline with my brothers. In the summer, I volunteer to stay at the gym in the afternoon to help out at gymnastics camp.

Random Things:
My lucky number is 5. It was my Pap's baseball jersey number for many, many years, so I have grown up loving that number and feeling like it's lucky for me.  Also, my coach calls me a "kid magnet" because I'm always surrounded by the younger gymnasts.  I love to entertain little kids, especially level 3s and 4s.  Finally in 2015, I led my sports med team of four to win State High's Sports Medicine Olympics--thanks to the rapid athletic taping that only a gymnast can do.  I was 3 seconds short of beating the school's all-time fastest record.

Gymnast Who Inspired Me:

Mckayla Maroney 

Favorite Event:


Favorite Meets:

IGI Chicago Style and Pink

Biggest Non-gymnastics Accomplishment:

At the end of 8th grade, I was nominated for best all around student at Park Forest Middle School. I then ended up becoming a finalist and coming in 2nd place out of 30 girls and 30 boys (out of 60 who were nominated). It was a very presitgious award and coming in 2nd was amazing. I was very excited just to be nominated.

Nittany Gymnastics Team members volunteer at the American Heart Association Heart Walk.

Let's cheer on our NCAA gymnasts who have come home to compete.

Travel meets make for the best team bonding experiences!

The Nittany girls gathered together to support one of their teammates for the 2015 JDRF Walk.

Kasey Fiochetta College Recruitment Website (Kasey Gymnastics)

Nittany Gymnastics 

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