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"Thanks to gymnastics, I have the focus, time management skills, and work ethic to excel academically."

June 2016 Update:

High Honor Roll for all four marking periods this school year

Current GPA of 3.7 


Academic Assessments:

8th Grade PSSAs (Reading, Writing and Math) - Advanced

9th Grade Keystones (Algebra) - Advanced


​Academic Interests:

Critical Care/ER Nursing Specializing in Pediatrics

Nurse Anesthetist

Biobehavioral Health


Physician's Assistant Program

Career Aspirations:

Right now, I'm exploring the idea of becoming a certified nurse practitioner. Eventually I'd like to work at Hershey Medical Center or CHOP in the new pediatric ER.


Kasey Fiochetta College Recruitment Website (Kasey Gymnastics)

Nittany Gymnastics 

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